白色恐怖重現台灣 - Yahoo!關閉芒果日報部落格
Yahoo! Taiwan shut down a popular personal blog - Mango Daily (http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/antired-newspaper) on Nov.21, 2008. Mango Daily is a popular and awarded blog that voices for Taiwanese democracy.
Mango Daily's recent article about a protest rally against China envoy's visit to Taiwan infuriated a riot control policeman and that officer asked Yahoo! to shut down Mango Daily. Yahoo! removed a Mango Daily's article and finally shut down that blog on 3:00pm, Nov.21, 2008. Again, Yahoo! played its role as an agent of totalitarian.
Yahoo! was notorious for its cooperation with totalitarian. In 2004, Yahoo! provided users' IP information to Chinese government and that led to Chinese journalist Shi Tao's 10 years of sentence in Chinese prison. (Shi Tao was a journalist, but not Jack Bauer. 24's(Fox TV) Jack Bauer was in Chinese prison only for 20 months)
It seems that Yahoo! did not learn any lesson from Shi Tao's case. Furthermore, Chinese government might get its dirty hands in Taiwanese democracy with the assistance of Yahoo! (Hong Kong) Holdings Ltd. Yahoo! (Hong Kong) Holdings' shamful behavior directly led to the conviction of a good journalist.
From recent Mango Daily's case, Taiwanese people who own blogs and email accounts at Yahoo! should be very careful with Yahoo's human rights record.
中文標題: 白色恐怖重現台灣 - Yahoo!關閉芒果日報部落格
可恥的Yahoo!雅虎奇摩台灣 - 或者,我們應該稱呼牠們為香港商雅虎資訊股份有限公司,在2008/11/21 3:00pm關閉了為台灣民主發聲的知名芒果日報部落格。
這個事件,為Yahoo!在全球惡劣的人權紀錄再添一筆。Yahoo!的香港控股公司 - Yahoo!(Hong Kong) Holdings Ltd. 在2004-2005年間曾經因為配合提供e-mail帳戶的IP資料給中國政府,導致新聞記者師濤在中國被判刑十年。
剛剛上經濟部網站查了一下,Yahoo! Taiwan其實已經是香港商雅虎資訊股份有限公司,它們會不會繼續做中國政府的幫兇,還是做馬英九政府侵害人權與言論自由的幫兇,沒有人敢掛保證。
7 則留言:
這兩天看到一些網友針對芒果日報事件開始post在別的地方的英文事件說明,一篇寫的比一篇更棒! 有人投書Human Rights Watch, 有人寫信給Global Network Initiative, 更多人在部落格上也寫出自己的觀點 ...
這樣,一定會讓國際友人知道我們台灣正在被壓迫倒退與中國看齊的人權現況. 我們知識份子有大腦、有嘴巴、有筆、有鍵盤,我們不能讓馬政府掌握了軍警壓制我們,又讓他們掌握國際輿論,這就是我的初衷!
多謝! 大家一起努力.
Do you have any Yahoo's concerned email address and we can email them to express our concerns.
Thanks frankchentaiwan, I will try to find some reachable email addresses.