終於,這些過氣藝人們買了機票專程從中國回到台灣,在凱達格蘭大道上找到了僅存的溫暖舞台,諷刺的是這舞台是由他們以前曾經認定是大壞蛋的美麗島事件江洋大盜 - 施明德先生,為他們在凱達格蘭大道上所搭建的。
2006年9月29日 星期五
2006年9月25日 星期一
1. 他們破壞前人努力,台灣好不容易從戒嚴下的專制集權走向受到世人肯定的民主的社會,現在施明德這一群號稱民主先進的人,不但不教育民眾使用民主國家的方式取得執政權,反而鼓動民眾採用舊時代的方式,方法上是完全反民主的,反而將台灣社會帶向災難!
2. 請問泛藍,為什麼反對直接民主?當初為何不支持無限制的公投法?現在為什麼只懂得用包圍脅迫的方式,而不懂得用修法、或是修憲的方式解決爭議。
3. 請問泛藍,為什麼總是反對修憲?你們覺得許多憲法不合理,罷免總統門檻太高,那你是國會最大黨,為什麼不主張修憲?你們害怕什麼?為什麼台灣人長久要忍受一部不合身的憲法?現在憲法上對總統的保障箝制住你們的倒扁鬥爭運動,那你們為什麼不提出修憲?你們害怕什麼?
1. 他們破壞前人努力,台灣好不容易從戒嚴下的專制集權走向受到世人肯定的民主的社會,現在施明德這一群號稱民主先進的人,不但不教育民眾使用民主國家的方式取得執政權,反而鼓動民眾採用舊時代的方式,方法上是完全反民主的,反而將台灣社會帶向災難!
2. 請問泛藍,為什麼反對直接民主?當初為何不支持無限制的公投法?現在為什麼只懂得用包圍脅迫的方式,而不懂得用修法、或是修憲的方式解決爭議。
3. 請問泛藍,為什麼總是反對修憲?你們覺得許多憲法不合理,罷免總統門檻太高,那你是國會最大黨,為什麼不主張修憲?你們害怕什麼?為什麼台灣人長久要忍受一部不合身的憲法?現在憲法上對總統的保障箝制住你們的倒扁鬥爭運動,那你們為什麼不提出修憲?你們害怕什麼?
1. 我當然支持反貪腐,相信台灣大部分人都會支持反貪腐這個訴求。但反對貪腐,不代表反對陳水扁總統。因為陳水扁總統在司法調查的結論與法庭上拿得出來的證據提出來以前,陳水扁不等於貪腐。因此,在現階段我反對紅衣人和施明德的做法,並不等於支持貪腐,也不等於支持陳水扁總統。這樣簡單的邏輯,紅衣人可以理性的接受嗎?你看我在任何文章中挺過陳水扁總統嗎?我反對的是你們紅衛兵式的倒扁鬥爭做法。
2. 一個人有沒有犯罪,不是某些媒體與政客24小時在電視媒體上隨便想當然爾的說說就算,一個人有沒有犯罪是需要檢察官來起訴,法官來判決。為什麼不能等待司法調查與判決,反而要利用群眾的力量,對檢察官與司法系統施壓。台灣不是一個五權分立的國家嗎?絕大部分的群眾,包括施明德本人,都沒有看過或調查過陳水扁總統的犯罪證據吧,那你怎麼帶這麼多人上街頭,施明德,你是個負責任的男人嗎?
3. 施明德與紅衣人,你們只是利用"反貪腐"包裝你們對陳水扁總統的討厭與鬥爭而已,讓人瞧不起。
1. 我當然支持反貪腐,相信台灣大部分人都會支持反貪腐這個訴求。但反對貪腐,不代表反對陳水扁總統。因為陳水扁總統在司法調查的結論與法庭上拿得出來的證據提出來以前,陳水扁不等於貪腐。因此,在現階段我反對紅衣人和施明德的做法,並不等於支持貪腐,也不等於支持陳水扁總統。這樣簡單的邏輯,紅衣人可以理性的接受嗎?你看我在任何文章中挺過陳水扁總統嗎?我反對的是你們紅衛兵式的倒扁鬥爭做法。
2. 一個人有沒有犯罪,不是某些媒體與政客24小時在電視媒體上隨便想當然爾的說說就算,一個人有沒有犯罪是需要檢察官來起訴,法官來判決。為什麼不能等待司法調查與判決,反而要利用群眾的力量,對檢察官與司法系統施壓。台灣不是一個五權分立的國家嗎?絕大部分的群眾,包括施明德本人,都沒有看過或調查過陳水扁總統的犯罪證據吧,那你怎麼帶這麼多人上街頭,施明德,你是個負責任的男人嗎?
3. 施明德與紅衣人,你們只是利用"反貪腐"包裝你們對陳水扁總統的討厭與鬥爭而已,讓人瞧不起。
2006年9月23日 星期六
A Suspicious Link between PRC and Anti-Chen Campaign
More and more information reveals a suspicious relationship between Shih Ming-Teh's(施明德) anti-Chen Shui-Bian Campaign and the People Republic of China(PRC). People might finally awares that their Anti-Chen campaign could be supported by a country that wants to take over their homeland Taiwan. Some clues are:
1. Right before anti-Chen campaign, Mr. Shih Ming-Teh went to Thailand to meet Chen Yu-Hao(陳由豪), a notorious businessman who was involved in several business scandals in Taiwan. Chen Yu-Hao was eventually found to use money laundry to draw out shareholder's money and illegally move those money to fund his business venture in China. Chen Yu-Hao was issued a warrant for arrest by Taiwan government. Chen Yu-Hao attempted to bring down President Chen in several unsucceeful events since 2004.
2. An anti-Chen campaign activist, Lin Zheng-Jie(林正杰), who has long been involved in promoting unificaion between Taiwan and China, not only lives and works in China but also brings a group of gang leaders together in China to support his political ambition. Lin Zheng-Jie returned to Taiwan and organized a group of female gangsters to support anti-Chen campaign. Lin Zheng-Jie's recent violent action was to publicly hit a commentator badly during a live TV talk show a week before anti-Chen campaign started. His violent action was widely regarded as to intentionally stir up the heat between opposite parties.
3. The use of red color as symbol of anti-Chen campaign. The decision makers who lead anti-Chen campaign are all veteran politician in Taiwan. No one believes they did not aware the sensitivity of using red color that could offend against Taiwanese people and could mix up their demand with other political intentions. If Shih Ming-Teh's campaign is to seek majority of Taiwanese support of anti-corruption, how could those campaign leaders neglect the historical implication of red color in Taiwanese political spectrum?
More information could be disclosed in coming weeks. Let's wait and see what's going on and who's behind them.
1. Right before anti-Chen campaign, Mr. Shih Ming-Teh went to Thailand to meet Chen Yu-Hao(陳由豪), a notorious businessman who was involved in several business scandals in Taiwan. Chen Yu-Hao was eventually found to use money laundry to draw out shareholder's money and illegally move those money to fund his business venture in China. Chen Yu-Hao was issued a warrant for arrest by Taiwan government. Chen Yu-Hao attempted to bring down President Chen in several unsucceeful events since 2004.
2. An anti-Chen campaign activist, Lin Zheng-Jie(林正杰), who has long been involved in promoting unificaion between Taiwan and China, not only lives and works in China but also brings a group of gang leaders together in China to support his political ambition. Lin Zheng-Jie returned to Taiwan and organized a group of female gangsters to support anti-Chen campaign. Lin Zheng-Jie's recent violent action was to publicly hit a commentator badly during a live TV talk show a week before anti-Chen campaign started. His violent action was widely regarded as to intentionally stir up the heat between opposite parties.
3. The use of red color as symbol of anti-Chen campaign. The decision makers who lead anti-Chen campaign are all veteran politician in Taiwan. No one believes they did not aware the sensitivity of using red color that could offend against Taiwanese people and could mix up their demand with other political intentions. If Shih Ming-Teh's campaign is to seek majority of Taiwanese support of anti-corruption, how could those campaign leaders neglect the historical implication of red color in Taiwanese political spectrum?
More information could be disclosed in coming weeks. Let's wait and see what's going on and who's behind them.
2006年9月22日 星期五
hyc的相片故事:紅旗下的豬頭 - Yam 樂多日誌
hyc的相片故事:紅旗下的豬頭 - Yam 樂多日誌
I like this beautiful photo shot.
The title of this photo is: "The Pig Head under Red Flag".
There are lots of beautiful and meaniful photos on hyc's photoblog.
I like this beautiful photo shot.
The title of this photo is: "The Pig Head under Red Flag".
There are lots of beautiful and meaniful photos on hyc's photoblog.
2006年9月21日 星期四
台灣人, 你打錯了對象, 你的敵人是媒體, 不是紅衣人
「台灣人, 你打錯了對象, 你的敵人是媒體, 不是紅衣人」
這 些媒體,才是單純的台灣人應該示威的對象。不管藍綠,你們沒發現紅色的手已經藉由各種方式,深入、甚至主宰你們的政治活動了嗎?你們怎麼不去問問組織紅 衣人的那一群領導人,是怎麼樣搞出一個白癡的紅色創意?是那個狗腿商人想出來的點子?這個商人是不是想去中國做生意?我不知道,請你們告訴我。
請 一人一信或一通電話,打電話給你選區的立法委員,請他們鎖定一兩家媒體,向台北市政府申請集會遊行,集中火力向媒體合法的進行示威抗議。南部到台北距離 有點遠,所以請一定要集中力量,不要分散。十萬人來台北或許趕不走廣場上的紅衣人,但絕對可以讓一兩家電視台關門。有一些台北媒體可能就是這些紅衣人的地 下工廠,請將這些媒體在台北的地圖上標出來,請用台灣人民的力量將這些地下工廠關閉。
紅衣人不是在10月10號要"天下圍攻"嗎? 或許,台灣人民這天真要好好避開紅衣人,來針對紅衣人的地下工廠來個"直搗黃龍"。
(我 這個部落格的所有內容,歡迎台灣人民自由轉貼轉寄。 請收起憤怒的拳頭,讓我幫你們說說話,我知道怎麼樣用台北統媒那套冠冕堂皇的舌燦蓮花來回敬他們,台北統媒用他們熟悉的北京話與膚淺知識教訓南部單純的鄉 下人,我會幫你們向世界發出單純而美麗的聲音,強而有力的擊退那些紅衣人地下工廠。)
這 些媒體,才是單純的台灣人應該示威的對象。不管藍綠,你們沒發現紅色的手已經藉由各種方式,深入、甚至主宰你們的政治活動了嗎?你們怎麼不去問問組織紅 衣人的那一群領導人,是怎麼樣搞出一個白癡的紅色創意?是那個狗腿商人想出來的點子?這個商人是不是想去中國做生意?我不知道,請你們告訴我。
請 一人一信或一通電話,打電話給你選區的立法委員,請他們鎖定一兩家媒體,向台北市政府申請集會遊行,集中火力向媒體合法的進行示威抗議。南部到台北距離 有點遠,所以請一定要集中力量,不要分散。十萬人來台北或許趕不走廣場上的紅衣人,但絕對可以讓一兩家電視台關門。有一些台北媒體可能就是這些紅衣人的地 下工廠,請將這些媒體在台北的地圖上標出來,請用台灣人民的力量將這些地下工廠關閉。
紅衣人不是在10月10號要"天下圍攻"嗎? 或許,台灣人民這天真要好好避開紅衣人,來針對紅衣人的地下工廠來個"直搗黃龍"。
(我 這個部落格的所有內容,歡迎台灣人民自由轉貼轉寄。 請收起憤怒的拳頭,讓我幫你們說說話,我知道怎麼樣用台北統媒那套冠冕堂皇的舌燦蓮花來回敬他們,台北統媒用他們熟悉的北京話與膚淺知識教訓南部單純的鄉 下人,我會幫你們向世界發出單純而美麗的聲音,強而有力的擊退那些紅衣人地下工廠。)
Wake Mr. Shih Ming Teh up from stone age
As a modern citizen, I'd use modern and legitimate approach to fight government's corruption but not use the old way to destroy the democracy we already earned for a decade in Taiwan. I'd like to urge Shih Ming Teh to stand up and to look around, Taiwan is no more under Chiang's dictatorship. There is no more martial law in Taiwan.
Mr. Shih's mind is still staying in 25 years ago. Mr. Shih is still living in his own stone age. Those terrible old days had been ended. Mr. Shih has to learn a new way to solve current political dispute.
Mr. Shih's mind is still staying in 25 years ago. Mr. Shih is still living in his own stone age. Those terrible old days had been ended. Mr. Shih has to learn a new way to solve current political dispute.
2006年9月20日 星期三
Daily Kos: Taiwan Protests: Media, Mob Rule and Democracy
Daily Kos: Taiwan Protests: Media, Mob Rule and Democracy
I recommend another article in Daily Kos, also written by vorkosigan.
His article is great not only because his insights but also nice photos on Taiwan. You can also visit his personal blog "The View from Taiwan".
再次推薦vorkosigan的另一篇文章 Taiwan Protests: Media, Mob Rule and Democracy,幫助您了解台灣的民主現況。
他的部落格不只文章深具對台灣的了解與洞見,更有讓人驚艷的台灣照片。你也可以參觀他個人的部落格 The View from Taiwan 。
I recommend another article in Daily Kos, also written by vorkosigan.
His article is great not only because his insights but also nice photos on Taiwan. You can also visit his personal blog "The View from Taiwan".
再次推薦vorkosigan的另一篇文章 Taiwan Protests: Media, Mob Rule and Democracy,幫助您了解台灣的民主現況。
他的部落格不只文章深具對台灣的了解與洞見,更有讓人驚艷的台灣照片。你也可以參觀他個人的部落格 The View from Taiwan 。
Daily Kos: The Current Mess in Taiwan:
Daily Kos: The Current Mess in Taiwan:
I strongly recommend this article to readers who want to pick up the background of current "anti-corruption" political campaign in Taiwan.
This article is original from one of the world's most popular blog "Dailykos"
I strongly recommend this article to readers who want to pick up the background of current "anti-corruption" political campaign in Taiwan.
This article is original from one of the world's most popular blog "Dailykos"
2006年9月19日 星期二
New Red Guard Movement in Taipei(IV): The Evidence
An entrepreneur who owns a photo frame shop close to the Taipei main station experienced a terrible night on Sep. 16. A group of pan-blue's red guards attempted to attack his store and terrified the owner and his wife because this frame shop owner had a President Chen's photo on display. The group of Shih's red guards left the store after the frame shop owner was forced to remove President Chen's photo and replaced it with former dictatorial President Chiang's photo.
The ridiculous thing is President Chiang is the man who put Shih Ming Teh in jail for over 20 years.
The ridiculous thing is President Chiang is the man who put Shih Ming Teh in jail for over 20 years.
New Red Guard Movement in Taipei (III): The Evidence
I just had a meeting with a customer whose office is very close to Taipei Main Station , that is the place where pan-blue's red guard occupied for days. Because I did not wear red polo shirt today, I try not to get any closer to that dangerous zone.
When I watched this video on last night, I felt that Shih's slogan "Love & Peace" should be changed to "Hate & Violance". The elder lady who disagree pan-blue's campaign was attacked by a group of pan-blue's protesters. Is this "Love & Peace"?
I'd like to urge BBC, CNN, NPR, NY Times, WSJ and all international media to question Shih Ming Teh's and pan-blue's legitimacy of this campaign. The pan-blue coalition tries every means to fool Taiwanese people about how international media support their campaign to bring down President Chen, which might not be the truth. Please question pan-blue's leaders during their press conference. Don't be too kind to politicians who embrace "Hate & Violence" and who deliver fake messages and numbers to international media. You should remind them that they are "liers" and they are losing their credibility!
When I watched this video on last night, I felt that Shih's slogan "Love & Peace" should be changed to "Hate & Violance". The elder lady who disagree pan-blue's campaign was attacked by a group of pan-blue's protesters. Is this "Love & Peace"?
I'd like to urge BBC, CNN, NPR, NY Times, WSJ and all international media to question Shih Ming Teh's and pan-blue's legitimacy of this campaign. The pan-blue coalition tries every means to fool Taiwanese people about how international media support their campaign to bring down President Chen, which might not be the truth. Please question pan-blue's leaders during their press conference. Don't be too kind to politicians who embrace "Hate & Violence" and who deliver fake messages and numbers to international media. You should remind them that they are "liers" and they are losing their credibility!
2006年9月18日 星期一
New Red Guard Movement in Taipei (II)
The protesters were asked by Shih Ming Teh to wear red clothes to show their angers at President Chen. However, the group of red protesters suddenly become the red threats to people who hold different opinions. The red protesters now call themselves the "red army" and occupy the plaza of Taipei main station. The protesters red identity now identifies who's their ally and who's not. The red army aroused people's memory of Mao Zedong's "Red Guard".
Several violent attacks from emotional red army have serious jeopardize Taiwanese freedom of choice. Several elder men and women who show their disagreement on Shih's campaign have been attacked by red army when waiting for buses in front of Taipei main station.
In today's TV talk show, Dong Chi Shen (董智森), a news commentator from TVBS news station, threatened Dr. Stephen M. Yang that he would group an array of pan-blue's red army to surround the American Institute in Taiwan just because Mr. Dong believed that Dr. Stephen M. Yang, the director of the Taipei Office of the American Institute in Taiwan, has sent manipulated information about Shih's campaign back to Washington D.C. The US government has long been the strong supporter of Taiwan. Dong Chi Shen's provocation immediately put American's offshore institution in danger and thus harm the partnership between Taiwan and United States. Dong Chi Shen's provocation carelessly reflected PRC's(Chinese) intention to disintegrate the mutual trust between Taiwan and the United States. Dong should be put into the list of global terrorists if he intents to do so. How can President George W. Bush tolerate Dong's threat to American embassy?
Taiwanese people have fought so hard to achieve democracy. President Chen's democratic reform gave recall motion and civil referendum a legitimate power but pan-blue coalition resisted any form of constitutional reform and even added strict restriction on Taiwanese civil referendum. Now, pan-blue pays the price of its anti-democracy standpoint but Taiwanese people cannot afford the pan-blue's street demonstration to corrupt their constitutional process.
New Red Guard Movement in Taipei (I)
A group of protesters led by former Democratic Progressive Party's chairman Shih Ming-Teh have become the new threat to Taiwanese democratic system. Backed by a group of media widely suspected as the agents and the voices of Chinese Communist Party, Shih Ming Teh, a politician lost his power in DPP, aligns with the opposite party(KMT) to oust President Chen Shui Bian in his recent "anti-corruption" campaign.
The anti-Chen Shui Bian's coalition(pan-blue) was formed when Chen was first elected to be the President of Taiwan in 2000. This alliance was further enhanced when Chen won the re-election campaign for his second term in 2004. Anti-Chen coalition(pan-blue) has taken every means to bring down Chen's administration since year 2000. The reputable Taiwanese economic growth has been serious damaged since pan-blue's campaign. This time, pan-blue's superficial cause of its campaign is "anti-corruption". However, majority of Taiwanese people have tired of its new pretext. The new wine of "anti-corruption" has been poured into the old bottle of "anti-Chen Shui Bian".
Pan-blue's anti-corruption campaign is an anti-democracy campaign in nature. They refused to admit Chen's presidency that backed by majority of Taiwanese voters, they refused to wait for the prosecutor's investigation over their accusation, they refused to take legal actions under Taiwanese constitution, and they even refused to accept their recent failing recall motion in pan-blue dominated congress. Pan-blue's immature practices are corrupting democratic system in Taiwan.
In pan-blue's "a million voices against corruption - Chen must go" campaign, majority of Taiwanese people cannot see any legitimate reason why pan-blue's a million voices can deny the presidency of Chen that elected by over 6.47 million legal voters.
The anti-Chen Shui Bian's coalition(pan-blue) was formed when Chen was first elected to be the President of Taiwan in 2000. This alliance was further enhanced when Chen won the re-election campaign for his second term in 2004. Anti-Chen coalition(pan-blue) has taken every means to bring down Chen's administration since year 2000. The reputable Taiwanese economic growth has been serious damaged since pan-blue's campaign. This time, pan-blue's superficial cause of its campaign is "anti-corruption". However, majority of Taiwanese people have tired of its new pretext. The new wine of "anti-corruption" has been poured into the old bottle of "anti-Chen Shui Bian".
Pan-blue's anti-corruption campaign is an anti-democracy campaign in nature. They refused to admit Chen's presidency that backed by majority of Taiwanese voters, they refused to wait for the prosecutor's investigation over their accusation, they refused to take legal actions under Taiwanese constitution, and they even refused to accept their recent failing recall motion in pan-blue dominated congress. Pan-blue's immature practices are corrupting democratic system in Taiwan.
In pan-blue's "a million voices against corruption - Chen must go" campaign, majority of Taiwanese people cannot see any legitimate reason why pan-blue's a million voices can deny the presidency of Chen that elected by over 6.47 million legal voters.
倒扁行動 | 挺扁行動 |
包圍總統府 | 包圍TVBS |
包圍玉山官邸 | 包圍李濤、李艷秋住宅 |
總統不下台、群眾不退場 | 李濤夫婦不永遠退出媒體、群眾不退場 |
全台大罷工、癱瘓台灣經濟 | 廣告主撤廣告、讓TVBS關台倒閉 |
反貪腐 | 反抹黑造謠、反侵害人權 |
圍城 | 圍電視台 |
要讓陳總統成為關在總統府的囚犯 | 讓李濤李艷秋成為關在電視台的囚犯 |
人民對阿扁不滿 | 人民對李濤夫婦的作為不齒 |
不信任司法、一人一信給檢察官施壓 | 不信任司法、一人一信給檢察官施壓 |
2006年9月16日 星期六