Reading the articles you posted on your blog and other websites, I can really appreciate the statements that some people can turn black into white.
回覆刪除One has to admire the complexity and massive amount of chaos that different perspectives can generate.
You have your points clearly stated, but not well balanced. I hope you are not a reporter since if you are, you will be validating your own statement that "media is the source of chaos in Taiwan".
回覆刪除The reply to your question:
I think you can do whatever you want to do to Li Tao and his wife, as long as your actions and behaviours are with the boundry of the laws in Taiwan.
About the remark at the end - my reply: pick the lesser of two devils.
In case you don't get it - one situation is bad but with some silver linings and another situation is worse without hope.
Which would you pick.
Of course, different perspectives will lead to different assessment of the situations.
One should respect the choice of another and vise versa.
I am not a report but a blogger and a modern citizen. That means I do not write for living but for the well-being of Taiwanese people. As a modern citizen, I'd use modern and legitimate approach to fight government's corruption but not use the old way to destroy the modern democractic system we already earned for a decade in Taiwan. I'd like to urge Shih Ming Teh to stand up and to look around, modern Taiwan is no more under Chiang's dictatorship. There is no more martial law. Shih, you are still staying in 25 years ago. Those terrible old days had been ended.
回覆刪除Well, some of responders think my comments is not well balanced. However, if you turn on TV and read Daily newspapers in Taiwan, you will appreciate that I provide another viewpoint that well balance their biased opinions. But how can a blogger like me fight against those media in Taiwan. Who has more power to influce the publics? I hope all my readers could use the same criteria to critize those biased media in Taiwan.
Thank you for all your feedback.
A modern Taiwan - you must be joking.
回覆刪除Stand up and look around - a short lady driving a red car got smashed and threatened simply because she has a different view from the violent DPP supporters.
This is really a modern Taiwan - a few DPP supporters took the TV broadcast booth without proper causes or legitimate reasons.
Did anyone have the time to modernise them and their attitude towards different opinions.
I think Taiwan is going backwards - with supporters of the ruling party took down people with different views by violence or abusive behaviours/words.
You think Taiwan's democracy is modern.
Think twice - democracy sometimes fails and is inefficient.
It will fail on politicians with low moral standards and with good skills in embezzlement. It becomes very time inefficient when it comes to deposing any problematic or incapable administrators who were elected through propagandas of divisive thoughts and ideologies. (Note: where is the best interest of this island and where should Taiwan economy head towards and how Taiwan upgrade its competitiveness – answers are not in divisive and sensational propagandas).
Taiwan is modern - think twice and think hard.
Taiwan is no longer under the rule of CKS - this does not mean Taiwan has progressed.
Even if Taiwan is modernised already, are there specific rules that prohibit people from exercising their civil rights. If you remember correctly, people can take issues to the streets almost 20 years ago.
Whether the issue is related to a presidential depose does not really matter.
In any case, the moment I learnt that DPP supporters decided to take to the streets, I was expecting ugly things and divisive words to happen/come. The outcome is undisputable - DPP did not change and will not change. DPP is only good at criticising and opposing non-DPP views/thoughts. This did not change even after six years in power. Six years, can you imagine - it seems like sixteen years of economic & political stagnation.
In a broader sense, Taiwan politicians will not change, be it KMT or DPP.
A modern Taiwan - politically, NO; economically, absolutely NO; socially – look at the bloody videos and you have the answers.
Should people take issues to the streets – YES, as long as the system malfunctions for a period longer than what the people can tolerate.
This is what a modern society/nation should and can do. Remember – we used to other set of rules 20-30 years ago, if you were to adopt the same perspective you have today, you would have been criticising what you are supporting now.
We have a new system – a sick one and in badly working condition.
It needs to be modernised.
Well, apparantly we are speaking different language and I do believe it's not possible we can settle the argument (or hatred). It is really not about Chen, but the deepest ideology disagreement.
回覆刪除Just like I can never understand why you don't agree tipping888's viewpoint regarding why can't we take the same approach toward the TV station and media people who don't even bother to hide their hate to broadcast their crazy accusation and judgement.
Anyway, listen carefully, I don't agree with you and Mr. Shih, the old timer who believes he makes the greatest contribution to this free nation. But good thing is that we are in a democratic and free society and we are open to different voices.
Nowadays, Taiwanese have many ways to express their opinions and exercise their civil rights. Anti-corruption demonstration is one way to express people's opinions. However, demonstration is not the right way to force legal and justice systems to comply with minority's political fanaticism (or fantasy?).
回覆刪除Some people don't trust democratic system and think democracy is inefficient. I cannot agree this kind of immature attitude toward democracy. Those who don't have firm beliefs in democracy and those who denounce democracy as inefficient system once created Nazi.
KMT's dictatorship and Chiang's family dynasty in the past may make some people feel good and efficient. It is efficient only to autocrat not but for the people. KMT's dictatorship in Taiwan only benefited to those refugees from China but not for general and majority of Taiwanese people. It is absolutely not an effective system for this country.