2006年9月23日 星期六

A Suspicious Link between PRC and Anti-Chen Campaign

More and more information reveals a suspicious relationship between Shih Ming-Teh's(施明德) anti-Chen Shui-Bian Campaign and the People Republic of China(PRC). People might finally awares that their Anti-Chen campaign could be supported by a country that wants to take over their homeland Taiwan. Some clues are:

1. Right before anti-Chen campaign, Mr. Shih Ming-Teh went to Thailand to meet Chen Yu-Hao(陳由豪), a notorious businessman who was involved in several business scandals in Taiwan. Chen Yu-Hao was eventually found to use money laundry to draw out shareholder's money and illegally move those money to fund his business venture in China. Chen Yu-Hao was issued a warrant for arrest by Taiwan government. Chen Yu-Hao attempted to bring down President Chen in several unsucceeful events since 2004.

2. An anti-Chen campaign activist, Lin Zheng-Jie(林正杰), who has long been involved in promoting unificaion between Taiwan and China, not only lives and works in China but also brings a group of gang leaders together in China to support his political ambition. Lin Zheng-Jie returned to Taiwan and organized a group of female gangsters to support anti-Chen campaign. Lin Zheng-Jie's recent violent action was to publicly hit a commentator badly during a live TV talk show a week before anti-Chen campaign started. His violent action was widely regarded as to intentionally stir up the heat between opposite parties.

3. The use of red color as symbol of anti-Chen campaign. The decision makers who lead anti-Chen campaign are all veteran politician in Taiwan. No one believes they did not aware the sensitivity of using red color that could offend against Taiwanese people and could mix up their demand with other political intentions. If Shih Ming-Teh's campaign is to seek majority of Taiwanese support of anti-corruption, how could those campaign leaders neglect the historical implication of red color in Taiwanese political spectrum?

More information could be disclosed in coming weeks. Let's wait and see what's going on and who's behind them.

1 則留言:

  1. Is this the only way DPP and its supporters can legitimately claim that a corruptive president and his associates should be staying in power.

    After so many years, this is still the same tactic – mud slinging with the taboo issues.

    You know - KMT is really bad: they are SELLING Taiwan – but, why did not they sell Taiwan while they are in power.

    DPP is comparatively a nice guy: they are only STEALING and HOLLOWING out Taiwan. They only did it for six years only and the achievement is remarkable.

    I like DPP - Taiwan can bleed to a slow death.

    On second thought - if DPP is this good at negotiating and arguing, can it not get a deal done with China, for the best interests of Taiwanese.

    I see - they have to secure their best interests before the people. First family and its associates, relatives and friends come first.
