2006年9月19日 星期二

New Red Guard Movement in Taipei (III): The Evidence

I just had a meeting with a customer whose office is very close to Taipei Main Station , that is the place where pan-blue's red guard occupied for days. Because I did not wear red polo shirt today, I try not to get any closer to that dangerous zone.

When I watched this video on YouTube.com last night, I felt that Shih's slogan "Love & Peace" should be changed to "Hate & Violance". The elder lady who disagree pan-blue's campaign was attacked by a group of pan-blue's protesters. Is this "Love & Peace"?

I'd like to urge BBC, CNN, NPR, NY Times, WSJ and all international media to question Shih Ming Teh's and pan-blue's legitimacy of this campaign. The pan-blue coalition tries every means to fool Taiwanese people about how international media support their campaign to bring down President Chen, which might not be the truth. Please question pan-blue's leaders during their press conference. Don't be too kind to politicians who embrace "Hate & Violence" and who deliver fake messages and numbers to international media. You should remind them that they are "liers" and they are losing their credibility!

