「台灣人, 你打錯了對象, 你的敵人是媒體, 不是紅衣人」
這 些媒體,才是單純的台灣人應該示威的對象。不管藍綠,你們沒發現紅色的手已經藉由各種方式,深入、甚至主宰你們的政治活動了嗎?你們怎麼不去問問組織紅 衣人的那一群領導人,是怎麼樣搞出一個白癡的紅色創意?是那個狗腿商人想出來的點子?這個商人是不是想去中國做生意?我不知道,請你們告訴我。
請 一人一信或一通電話,打電話給你選區的立法委員,請他們鎖定一兩家媒體,向台北市政府申請集會遊行,集中火力向媒體合法的進行示威抗議。南部到台北距離 有點遠,所以請一定要集中力量,不要分散。十萬人來台北或許趕不走廣場上的紅衣人,但絕對可以讓一兩家電視台關門。有一些台北媒體可能就是這些紅衣人的地 下工廠,請將這些媒體在台北的地圖上標出來,請用台灣人民的力量將這些地下工廠關閉。
紅衣人不是在10月10號要"天下圍攻"嗎? 或許,台灣人民這天真要好好避開紅衣人,來針對紅衣人的地下工廠來個"直搗黃龍"。
(我 這個部落格的所有內容,歡迎台灣人民自由轉貼轉寄。 請收起憤怒的拳頭,讓我幫你們說說話,我知道怎麼樣用台北統媒那套冠冕堂皇的舌燦蓮花來回敬他們,台北統媒用他們熟悉的北京話與膚淺知識教訓南部單純的鄉 下人,我會幫你們向世界發出單純而美麗的聲音,強而有力的擊退那些紅衣人地下工廠。)
A few options:
回覆刪除1. buy out those media companies
2. close them down using NCC authorities
3. destroy their headquarters, beat up their reporters/staff
4. tell them - follow the governmental viewpoints, or die.
5. set up a DPP "Central Daily News" and strongly "encourage" all households, organisations and companies to subscribe and read.
Taiwan will be very hopeful to become a full fledged democracy, be admitted to UN and economically competitive against HK, Korea and even China.
Very soon.
You ARE in stone age.
回覆刪除If you want to wake Shih Min Te, I think you are in the same time zone.
Go wake him up.
Thank you for your opinion. I am living in modern democratic country.
回覆刪除So is Shih Min De and many others, living in a modern democratic country.
回覆刪除I sympathise you for having the narrow perspectives for other people's different viewpoints.
You must be a very unhappy person living in such a modern democratic country where different opinions are annoying and bothering you so much to the extent that you have to run your blog promoting a DPP centric view.
Think through things by yourself and get an independent view of the whole thing.
It is a fiasco.....
I am a happy citizen who appreciate other people's viewpoints. My viewpoint is clear and stands for itself. My blog is to promote my viewpoint. I even don't know what DPP's viewpoint is. You can stop insulting me by pretending you know me well. My friend are all well-educated intellectuals and you are definitely not one of them.
回覆刪除Save the sympathy for yourself because you even cannot form your standpoint in your writing.