2006年9月18日 星期一

New Red Guard Movement in Taipei (I)

A group of protesters led by former Democratic Progressive Party's chairman Shih Ming-Teh have become the new threat to Taiwanese democratic system. Backed by a group of media widely suspected as the agents and the voices of Chinese Communist Party, Shih Ming Teh, a politician lost his power in DPP, aligns with the opposite party(KMT) to oust President Chen Shui Bian in his recent "anti-corruption" campaign.

The anti-Chen Shui Bian's coalition(pan-blue) was formed when Chen was first elected to be the President of Taiwan in 2000. This alliance was further enhanced when Chen won the re-election campaign for his second term in 2004. Anti-Chen coalition(pan-blue) has taken every means to bring down Chen's administration since year 2000. The reputable Taiwanese economic growth has been serious damaged since pan-blue's campaign. This time, pan-blue's superficial cause of its campaign is "anti-corruption". However, majority of Taiwanese people have tired of its new pretext. The new wine of "anti-corruption" has been poured into the old bottle of "anti-Chen Shui Bian".

Pan-blue's anti-corruption campaign is an anti-democracy campaign in nature. They refused to admit Chen's presidency that backed by majority of Taiwanese voters, they refused to wait for the prosecutor's investigation over their accusation, they refused to take legal actions under Taiwanese constitution, and they even refused to accept their recent failing recall motion in pan-blue dominated congress. Pan-blue's immature practices are corrupting democratic system in Taiwan.

In pan-blue's "a million voices against corruption - Chen must go" campaign, majority of Taiwanese people cannot see any legitimate reason why pan-blue's a million voices can deny the presidency of Chen that elected by over 6.47 million legal voters.

4 則留言:

  1. It's interesting to see how you interprete the situation in Taiwan. Well, if Chen cannot turn things around, no matter who is backing it, maybe he should step down and let those who can to take the position. Talking about people, more than 60% of the 23 million in Taiwan think Chen should step down, that one million is just the ones going to the street.
    And you really can blame everything else to others, China, Pan-Blue, whoever. But the fact is Chen and his family did put money into their pockets, nobody forced them to do that. What is you excuse for corruption?

  2. No one would agree any form of corruption. Lots of people, including myself, respect the institutional process and the court of justice to find out the details and evidence to prove Chen's guilty.

    When you mentioned 60% of the 23 million Taiwanese think Chen should step down, are you misleading and adding children and babies into your numbers?

    BTW, if you do think majority of Taiwanese think Chen should step down, please go for constitutional process, such as recall motion and civil referendum. You should do your best to allow all Taiwanese voters to decide Chen's presidency not just one million protesters. Actually, the Taipei police department under pan-blue's Mayor Ma's authority already told everybody there are just around quarter million protesters in your street demonstration.

  3. I think you very selectively picked the videos of incidents that happened last Friday night.

    Did you manage to find time to find some videos of incidents that happened last Sunday.

    Are you not appalled.

    Speaking of the constitutional process of recalling a president and other legitimate routes to do so, I think this is one way to go. However, having said that the constitution of ROC also allows its people to express their views in public demonstrations, provided that such gatherings and demonstrations go through certain procedures.

    Don't be divisive when you see things happening in Taiwan - this is the source of chaos and lack of economic/political progress for this island nation.

  4. I, as a blogger without the spotlight, cannot fight against some powerful but biased public media funded by Chinese.

    The video I picked is try to balance those pro-unification media's viewpoint. When you see the videos I picked, you can tell me who is more selective and manipulative? Who influence majority of people like you?
