2008年11月14日 星期五

White Terror Reoccurs in Taiwan - Today's New Case 白色恐怖再現台灣!?股市名嘴朱成志噤聲

In addition to tons of white terror cases before and after Chinese envoy's visit to Taiwan, this is a brand new one - a famous stock analyst and CEO of Mabro Weekly magazine, Allen(Chen-chih) Chu 朱成志, was suspended his right to write articles, address public speeches, and host TV shows for a month. This suspension is commended by Taiwan's Financial Supervisory Commission(FSC).

Though the seeming reason of this case was Mr. Chu misused some data when writing his investment opinions, more people belived that this penalty was directly attrubuted to his article "A Lesson of Credit Transaction for Stupid President"(2008-9-19).

Mr. Chu is a popular host of TV's investment talk show in Taiwan, just like CNBC's (Mad Money) Jim Cramer. Though I don't totally agree Mr. Chu's investment opinion, I do think this country should not shut one's mouth off just for one's criticism on government's financial policy.

In my opinion, President Ma Ying-jeou was annoyed with Allen Chu for calling him a "Stupid President".

One thing I discovered in this case is that you can only find the Chinese language version of FSC's official press release about this specific topic. In FSC's bilingual website, you cannot find the English version of FSC's press release regarding Mr. Chu's case. Is it too shamful for Ma's administration to disclose this news to international community?

Let me remind you this is not the only case in recent month.
The former case targeted on bloggers:

新白色恐怖髒手伸入台灣部落格 (tipping888)

The Police State Creeps Back (Levitator)

台灣失去言論自由了嗎? 白色恐怖回來了嗎?




之前拿部落客開刀,這下罵你笨總統的人也被開刀,連前總統也被你抓進去了,股市還是摔到4500點都不到,您馬政府連中抗台,靠抓人來救經濟,這招管不管用? 還有沒有一些新招?

更誇張的是,金管會中英雙語的網站上,關於朱成志的處分案,你只看得到中文的新聞稿,金管會連英文的新聞稿都不敢發佈上去? 為什麼? 馬政府覺得做這種迫害言論自由的骯髒事,怕會丟臉丟到國外去嗎?



新白色恐怖髒手伸入台灣部落格 (tipping888)

The Police State Creeps Back (Levitator)

