2008年11月14日 星期五

Stephen M. Young's Press Conference - AIT楊甦棣記者會說了什麼?



... Second, clearly the detention yesterday of former President Chen Shui-bian is a big story. But I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you here, because I see this as a matter for Taiwan's legal system to resolve. The only thing I would say is that not only Taiwan but also your friends around the world will be watching this process very closely, and we believe it needs to be transparent, fair and impartial. Assuming that it is conducted in that manner, it can strengthen the confidence, both here and around the world, in your democracy.

Financial Times記者Robin Kwong問到:

"Aside from President Chen's case, there have been a number of cases in Taiwan recently where the prosecutor has used his power to detain people without formally charging them for long periods, and this has raised concern among not just people in Taiwan but also academics in other countries and the States, and I'm just wondering, from your perspective, do you seen any concern over this use of prosecutorial power? Do you see any need for judicial reform here?"


"That's a good question, and you'll probably be dissatisfied with my answer. I think that in any young democracy, it is important to build confidence in the judicial system and the criminal justice system. As I said before, given the politics of all of this, it is very important that the process, as it goes forward, be transparent, fair and impartial. As I also said, I think that, on a variety of subjects these days, greater dialogue between the government and the opposition is warranted and hopefully will emerge in the near future. I know that Taiwan's legal system, just as America's, views everyone as innocent until proven guilty. "

