廣告人 范可欽先生,
相信在若干年後,當你再次轉變顏色時,這次的功績可以在你的履歷上再記上一筆,因為您已經向世人證明,你不只會搞廣告,還會搞這麼大型的Event Marketing。(希望你這次能夠與倒扁總部好好把帳算清楚,免得上回幫國民黨做廣告,最後為了錢跟國民黨對簿公堂的事情再次重演)
1. 從現在起的未來幾年,你的公司不會到中國去承攬那裡官方或公營企業的廣告行銷活動相關的業務
2. 2008年中國奧運會前後的任何廣告與活動企劃,你的公司都不會去參與競標,也不會用任何方式去承攬。
3. 2010年中國世界博覽會前後的任何廣告行銷活動,你的公司都不會去參與競標,也不會用任何方式去承攬。
Would you also be willing to swear that
回覆刪除1. you will never use products that have any connections with China,
2. you and your company will never do business with any companies that have the China connections,
3. you and your company will never sell to anyone with China connections.
You know - this is the whole problem: many Taiwanese are addicted to political issues and stupid political ideologies.
If talking, arguing and discussing political issues can
1. make Taiwan a strong nation in the world and be accepted to the UN,
2. make Taiwan's economy better and competitive,
3. make my life better every year.
I swear - I will join. I believe that many other will join. In fact, if we can run a country by talking BS, there will be no under-developed countries or poverty in the world.
If you can talk up Taiwan's political and economical status in the international stage, you will be well paid and respected by 23m Taiwanese.
Continue your good job.....
In the old days, KMT have dedicated persons to issue/write articles to support KMT and to attack anyone with different opinions.
回覆刪除This is now DPP's administration.
I have to wonder - are you being paid to run this blog.
Are you an out-of-date businessman or political figure, trying to please the DPP people so that you can either do some business or to get some political benefits.
I am sorry to be bitchy about this. The point that I like to raise is - when you point your fingers at others with certain perspectives. You deserve to be pointed at with the same perspectives.
Do you feel dignified and not duly respected and think in mind - I am just voicing my opinions and I do not deserve to be treat like this.
Then, how about others - they are also voicing their opinions, which you may not like to hear, but it does not give you justifications to mud-sling on them.
Dear anonymous,
回覆刪除You are wrong. I am voicing my own opinions, but those red allies are not just voicing their opinions but also forcing everybody else to accept their political standpoint.
Can you tell the difference?
Did they force you to accept their views. How did they do it.
回覆刪除How can they force anyone to accept their views. How did they do it.
What is the difference between you and them. You are no nobler to them. Actually, you and the people against corruption are pretty much the same - you have your views and you want to express them. It is only that you choose different channels to do it.
In addition, it is only that they have a group and you are pretty much alone in the blog.
Why don't you gather a few million people to express your views.
You will be joined and congratulated by many who will say exactly the same you depicted and mud-sling on the views and actions by those people in red.
See the difference??
I see the difference - you cannot tolerate opinion differences and you want to kill them so badly that you chose any abusive experssions and dirty lables you could find to put on them.
You are really living in a modern democratic society.
Happy living.
回覆刪除Being as a graphic designer, I personally don't think a graphic designer should do any job that is related to politics; due to the technique of advertising is to broaden a party's thoughts to citizens, to every one who understands words. That's our profession, no matter which side we are on, but THAT'S OUR PROFESSIONAL; which means we taking money for doing it.
回覆刪除As the basic point of view, I think ethically it is a wrong thing to do, for what you do actually effects a nation subconciously. That is why I personally don't agree with what Mr. Fan did.
However, I couldn't agree with what Mr. Anonymous said, especially accrding to what he mentioned "1. you will never use products that have any connections with China,"
It is almost impossible to do so in any country in this planet, also includes Taiwan. And I personally don' think asking a person to swear upon this point can do any good to our country, therefore I also don't think it is a senseful thing to do, or think, or even swear.
After moving back to Taiwan, I couldn't agree more than ever that Taiwan's politic is really a damn mess, and I am not seeing any governor trying to do anything thing to make it better; it's just a war, and pathetically we really can't see when they or we are going to wake up and think, hum..it's time to stop and coorporate. I left Taiwan ten years ago,I moved back to Taiwan because I loved it. However.. after living here for a year, I really can't find any reason that's worthy to live here; because it's become a country which its people are way over-exploiting the democracy. I bet alot people are thinking the same way as well. ..especially people who move back from foreign countries..
We have way too much pride to admit we are weak.